COYN membership is organizational, and membership is open to all organizations wishing to join the network. Membership is voluntary, and organizations will continue to be considered members so long as they actively participate in the work of the network. Active membership shall be defined as participating in regularly scheduled COYN events (to include conference calls, webinars, or in-person meetings), as well as engaging in advocacy efforts through active participation on-the-ground in a member’s own community.

Members & Partners
- 50/50 Leadership
- A Sense of Home
- Alliance for a Better Community
- Alliance for Boys & Men of Color
- Alliance for Children’s Rights
- Anti-Recidivism Coalition
- Apprenticeships for America
- Bay Area Community Resources/Roadmap to Peace Initiative
- Be A Mentor
- Better Youth
- Big Picture Learning
- Bridges from School to Work
- California Alliance of Caregivers
- California EDGE Coalition
- California Family Life Center
- California Local Conservation Corps Foundation
- California Youth Connection
- Catalyze
- Children Now
- Children’s Institute
- City of Boston Office of Workforce Development
- Civicorps
- Coalition for Engaged Education
- Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)
- Community Development Technologies Center (CD Tech)
- Conservation Corps of Long Beach
- CUSD Career Youth Services/Project YES
- East Los Angeles College/ LACCD (Organization)
- Educate California
- Empower Schools
- EntreNous Youth Empowerment Services
- Envision Your Pathway
- First Institute Training and Management, Inc. (FITM)
- First Place for Youth
- Foster Greatness
- Growing Big Ideas
- House of Haven
- Housing & Workforce Solutions
- iFoster
- John Burton Advocates for Youth (JBAY)
- John Muir Land Trust
- Juma Ventures
- Kollab Youth Workforce Development Program
- LBC+
- Los Angeles County Workforce Development Board
- Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation
- Los Angeles Mission College
- Los Angeles Opportunity Youth Collaborative
- Lost Angeles Children’s Project, Inc.
- Los Angeles Unified School District
- NexusEdge
- New Door Venture
- New Ways to Work
- OneFuture Coachella Valley
- Options for Youth
- Paige Innovative Consulting, LLC
- Para Los Niños
- Parents By Choice
- Pivotal
- PRIDE Industries
- Propel America
- Public Works
- San Diego Workforce Partnership
- Richmond YouthWORKS
- San Jose Youth Liberation Movement
- Seen&Heard
- SIATech Schools
- Sonoma Water
- South Los Angeles Transit Empowerment Zone (SLATE/Z)
- Sycamores
- UCLA Community Youth Programs
- The Academy Project
- The Unity Council
- Urban Strategies Council
- Valley Vision
- Vermont Slauson EDC
- Wild Rivers Community Foundation
- YouthBuild Collaborative of Southern California
- Youth Leadership Institute
- Youth Will
Thank you to our generous supporters for their investments in our work.